
"I am not a crook!" - President Richard Nixon

Federal Government

🏛️ How it Works

In order to properly participate in the Government, you need to be in the Discord.

Project Freedom's government is modelled almost directly after the United States government, with various adjustments to better equip it for Minecraft.

We utilize a Constitution that splits our government into three branches: the Legislative Branch, the Executive Branch, and the Judicial Branch.

These branches work in a system of checks-and-balances, to ensure no one has too much power over the other.

📜 Legislative Branch

The Legislative Branch of our government is responsible for proposing and passing bills, which subsequently become laws governing the server. These laws wield significant influence over various aspects such as taxation, state boundaries, building regulations, commerce, and more.

Comprising the Congress, or Legislative Branch, are two distinct bodies: the House of Representatives and the Senate. Within each division, Representatives and Senators respectively represent the citizens of their originating states.

For a bill to be enacted, it must first secure approval from the House of Representatives by a simple majority vote. Subsequently, it proceeds to the Senate where another simple majority vote is required for passage. Once approved by both chambers, the bill is then presented to the President for final approval or veto.

Senators and Representatives are elected by their respective state constituents, with representation based on a ratio of one Representative per 15 populace and one Senator per state. Those aspiring to run for Senate or House positions must formally notify the designated staff within their state's Discord channel.

To become a Senator, you need at least 24 hours of playtime. Representatives require only 4 hours of playtime. /playtime

🔨 Judicial Branch

The Judicial Branch of our government is tasked with upholding the constitutionality of laws and adjudicating court cases. Comprising Justices in numbers stipulated by the Constitution, the branch may see adjustments in Justice appointments with new legislation.

To serve as a Justice, individuals must be appointed by the President when vacancies arise. Justices hold office for a term of 4 months or until resignation, the longest tenure among government positions.

Players may initiate court cases whenever disputes arise that cannot be resolved independently. Cases involving federal law or issues where state courts are unavailable are adjudicated by the Supreme Court. Rulings issued by the Supreme Court set precedent for future cases related to the matter at hand.

You need 150 total hours of playtime before being eligibile. /playtime

👑 Executive Branch

The Executive Branch of our government includes the President of the United States (POTUS). The President has the authority to pass or veto bills legislated by Congress, issue executive acts, create departments, and more. Regarded as the democratically elected leader of the nation, the President is a central figure in Project Freedom's governance.

To become President, candidates must create a campaign in the Discord during election season. It is recommended to establish a political party to build a support base. Upon election, the President will be inaugurated shortly thereafter, taking their oath and making a brief announcement to the nation.

Additionally, Presidents are required to deliver periodic "State of the Union" addresses. These addresses serve as a way for the President to inform the public about the progress of their administration and outline their plans for the near future.

You need 50 hours of playtime before being eligible. /playtime

List of all Presidents and their Vice Presidents to date
  • AngryMartian - 1nicio

State Government

🏆 Governors

Governors are democratically elected officials responsible for overseeing the administration and governance of individual states within Project Freedom. They play a vital role in implementing state laws, managing state resources, and representing their residents' interests at the state level.

To become a Governor, candidates must participate in and win state elections, which are held periodically. Aspiring Governors need to campaign within their state to secure votes from their citizens.

Governors have the authority to manage and direct mayors within their state. Mayors are required to follow the Governor's directives regarding town lines, building codes, the state's treasury, income taxes, government buildings and more.

Additionally, if a state is newly founded and lacks a constitution, the first Governor of the state has the authority to draft and approve one. This constitution will provide guidelines for all state mayors and future governors.

Governors also have control over their state's Discord Server. Upon their election, they will be given admin in the server and may add new members, change the layout, and more.

You will have to reside in the state you aspire to become a governor in.

🏡 Mayors

Mayors in Project Freedom are the only form of government entirely managed by individual players. They have full jurisdiction over their town and do not need to be democratically elected into their position.

Mayors are encouraged to establish some form of government within their town to engage their citizens better and facilitate town improvements. This can include periodically electing a new mayor or setting up a city council that serves as advisors to the mayor.

Becoming a mayor is fairly simple, if you just create your own town.


All players on Project Freedom that are within the Union's borders (see Union Territory) may vote in the Presidential elections and their respective state elections.

During election season, a form will be put out in the Discord where players can fill it out and choose who they want to vote for. For the Presidential Election, players are required to input their Minecraft name, their Discord name, their join date and playtime, along with the candidate of their choosing.

To prevent election fraud, all player names are checked and if a name is not registered, then the vote is not counted. Additionally, players who joined on the day of election and/or players who have less than an hour of playtime may not vote, as to prevent election interference.

State elections are hosted privately to the members of the State Discord server and are accessible through a simple Discord poll. Only citizens of a state may vote in their election.

State Discords (A-Z)

Last updated