🔨Server Rules

These are all of our server rules. You will need to know them by heart!

Use the sidebar to navigate this page!

1. Expectation Rules

1.1 Discriminatory Behavior

You are not allowed, under any circumstance, to promote, reference, or enact derogatory behavior, including but not limited to: racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia.

1.2 Inappropriate Content

You may not suggest, enact, or make reference to sexual topics, drug usage, inappropriate dialogue, or anything classified as "Not Safe for Work".

1.3 Encouragement of Self-Harm and Threats

You are not allowed, under any circumstance, to encourage or threaten harm upon someone. This includes blackmail.

1.4 Harassment and Bullying

You are not allowed to repeatedly harass or "bully" another person for any given reason. This includes continuing poor behavior after being warned to stop.

1.5 Invasion of Privacy

You may not share or distribute your or another person(s) private information in any circumstance. This includes, but is not limited to, names/nicknames, photos, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, work/school addresses/locations, IP, family members, or geological coordinates.

1.6 General Unwanted Behavior

You are not allowed to be generally rude to another person for any given reason. We want this community to be as friendly and safe as possible.

1.7 Language Usage

You may not speak anything besides English in the Discord Server and the Global chat channels.

1.8 Spamming

You may not repeatedly send texts with any given intention, including sending long messages that obstruct the chat.

1.9 Exchanging Real-Life Currency

You may not exchange in-game items, crates, or in-game money for real life goods, services, or money.

2. Exploitation Rules

2.1 Use of Client Modifications

Client modifications to give you or other players unfair advantages is prohibited. Examples of allowed modifications include optifine, sodium, general performance mods, "aesthetic" mods i.e. shaders, brightness adjustment mods, litematica (hologram and easyplace only), or minimap mods.

2.2 Abusing Game Exploits

You may not abuse the game mechanics in a way that the Mojang developers have not intended for an unfair advantage. This includes abusive farms, duplication glitches, block glitching, bypassing server limitations, or otherwise non-intended mechanics.

2.3 Acknowledgement of Rule-Breaking

You may not have knowledge of another player's violation of any given rule without reporting it. If you are found to be in possession of said knowledge, you will receive a similar punishment. Your identity when reporting will be kept anonymous.

2.4 Intentional Disruption of the Server

You may not cause intentional lag on the server that may result in a decrease of the server's TPS (Ticks Per Second). Furthermore, DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks, raiding, or lag machines are prohibited. We reserve the right to take legal action in case of this occurrence.

2.5 Use of Alternate Accounts

You may not use alternate accounts in the server, especially if the intention is to artificially increase your town's member count. If you have siblings or another person sharing your IP playing the server, please open a ticket to discuss this.

2.6 Abusive Farms

You may not create farms that overly abuse the game's mechanics. This includes mob farms. "Crop towers," or tall towers suited for farming crops, should not exceed 2x2 chunks and should be covered by some form of structure, or be underground.

2.7 Ban Evasion and Rule Lawyering

You may not attempt to twist the rules to your benefit. Staff will determine the jurisdictions of rules. Furthermore, you may not create an alternative account in attempt to get around a ban or mute. You will instead receive an ip-ban on all accounts.

3. Town Rules

3.1 Griefing Wilderness Structures

Structures in the wilderness that are within 5 chunks of another town are not allowed to be stolen from or destroyed. Furthermore, you may not grief infrastructure, i.e. railroads.

3.2 Griefing Towns and Owned Plots

You may not grief land or builds owned by public town properties, or plots that are owned. Players may not grief or steal in towns without permissions from the town mayor. Furthermore, players (including town mayors) may not grief or steal in owned plots without permission from the plot owner.

3.3 Inappropriate Naming

You must name your town after the town that is in the nearby region. If you are unaware of what town is nearby, please use the command /real-coords <x> <z>. Furthermore, you may not name towns after entire states or regions.

3.4 Illegal Terraforming

You may not overly terraform land or water bodies. This includes majorly changing the shape of rivers, adjusting coastlines, creating large mountains, valleys, holes, flattening unclaimed land, or otherwise.

3.5 Inappropriate Town Claiming

You may not create town claims that are long "snake" lines, claims that appear filled on the map but are hollow in-game, or attempt to block another town's claim.

3.6 Creating Towns Outside of Claims

You may not create a town outside of the USA (in Canada or Mexico). Failure to comply will result in your town being deleted without a refund. You will be warned 1 day prior to deletion.

4. Other Rules

4.1 Infringement of Roleplay

You may not purposefully disrupt the roleplay side of the server. This includes trolling or creating malicious posts on forums in the Discord.

4.2 Creating Inappropriate ImageFrames

You may not create inappropriate ImageFrames that violate the server rules. Imageframes should not lag the server when loaded in.

4.3 Violating Store TOS

You may not violate our store's Terms of Service. Specifically, you may not "buyback" or refund any purchases made on our server.

4.4 Abusage of Staff

You may not directly message staff in-game or through Discord for reporting another person's violation of the rules. Instead, please create a ticket on Discord. Furthermore, you may not attempt to manipulate staff, interfere with a staff, or undo changes made by a staff.


How they are distributed

Punishments will be distributed upon a violation of any given rule. The server has a zero tolerance policy in terms of rules, and will always be enforced.

Punishment Severity

For a majority of punishments, the structure is as follows: Warn -> Mute -> Ban -> Perm-Ban

Infractions of rules that have more severe connotations may result in an instant mute or ban.

If you have questions about rules, feel free to ask staff!

Project Freedom is not associated with Minecraft, Mojang AB and/or Microsoft Corporation.

Minecraft EULA and the Microsoft Services Agreement will be upheld at all times.

Last updated