
Beep boop...

Important Commands

  • /wiki - Get a link to this wiki.

  • /rules - Get a link to the rules page.

  • /web - Get a link to the website.

  • /map - Get a link to the map.

  • /discord - Get a link to the Discord.

  • /discordsrv link - Link your Minecraft account to your Discord account.

  • /ref <name> - Tells the server who referred you.

  • /ref <accept, reject> - Accept/deny a referral request.

  • /mc-coords <latitude> <longitude> - Converts lat and long coords to MC.

  • /real-coords <x> <z> - Converts X and Z coords to lat and long

  • /sit - Take a seat.

Teleportation Commands

  • /spawn - Teleports you to DC.

  • /tpa <name> - Asks someone if you can teleport to them.

  • /tpahere <name> - Asks someone if they can teleport to you.

  • /tpacancel - Cancels a teleportation request.

  • /tpaccept - Accepts a teleportation request.

  • /tpdeny - Denies a teleportation request.

  • /rtp - Teleports you randomly.

  • /t spawn <town> - Teleports you to a town.

  • /sethome - Sets your home.

  • /home - Teleports you to your home.

Economy Commands

  • /sell hand - Hold gold in your hand to convert it to USD.

  • /vote - Open a GUI with links you can use to vote.

  • /auction start - Starts an auction.

  • /auction cancel - Cancels an auction.

  • /bid <#> - Puts a bid on an auction.

  • /jobs - Opens a GUI with selectable jobs.

  • /qs help - Displays a list of commands about quickshop.

Chat Commands

  • /msg <name> - Messages a player privately.

  • /g - Sets your speaking channel to Global.

  • /tc - Sets your speaking channel to Town Chat.

  • /l - Sets your speaking channel to Local Chat.

  • /channel mute <channel> - Mutes the channel of your choice.

  • /channel unmute <channel> - Unmutes the channel of your choice.

Towny Commands


  • /t ? - Displays a list of in-game commands.

  • /t <town> - Displays the town board of the town of your choice.

  • /t new <name> - Creates a new town with the selected name.

  • /t list - Displays a list of all towns, can be filtered by adding "by <x>".

  • /t online <town> - Displays all online residents in the selected town.

  • /t leave - Leaves the town you are currently in.

  • /t reclaim - Reclaims a ruined town.

  • /t reslist <town> - See a list of all residents in a town.

  • /t ranklist <town> - See a list of all ranks and their players in a town.

  • /t plotgrouplist <town> - See a list of all plot groups in a town.

  • /t plots <town> - See a list of all plot types in a town.

  • /t say <msg> - Displays a message to all online residents in your town.

  • /t spawn <town> - Teleports you to a town.

  • /t buytown <town> - Buys a town that is for sale.

  • /tfly - Toggles flight within town borders.

  • /governor checkmayor <town> - Checks how long a mayor has been offline.

  • /governor claim <town> - Claims a town whose mayor has been inactive.


  • /t deposit <#> - Deposits the selected amount of money into the town bank.

  • /t withdraw <#> - Withdraws the selected amount of money from the town bank.

  • /t claim - Claims a plot of land.

    • /t claim fill - Claims all hollow claim regions.

    • /t claim auto,circle,rect - Claims a pre-determined area around the player.

  • /t unclaim - Unclaims a plot of land.

  • /t add <name> - Add a resident to your town.

  • /t kick <name> - Kick a resident from your town.

  • /t set - Set a variety of things about your town.

    • /t set board - Sets the town board displayed upon joining and the status.

    • /t set culture - Sets your town's culture. Purely cosmetic.

    • /t set homeblock - Sets the plot of your homeblock, a.k.a. your spawn block.

    • /t set mapcolor <color> - Changes your color on the map.

    • /t set mayor <name> - Sets the mayor of the town.

    • /t set name <name> - Renames your town.

    • /t set perm <group> <permission> <on/off> - Sets a permission for a group.

    • /t set plotprice <#> - Sets the default plot price.

    • /t set plottax <#> - Sets a tax on plots.

    • /t set spawn - Sets your town's spawn. Must be in homeblock.

    • /t set spawncost <#> - Sets the cost to teleport to your town.

    • /t set surname <name> <surname> - Grants a surname to a player.

    • /t set title <name> <title> - Grants a title to a player.

    • /t set tag <name, clear> - Sets the tag that appears in chat, or clears it.

    • /t set taxes <#,%> - Sets a # or % tax dependent on taxtoggle.

    • /t set taxpercentcap <%> - Sets a cap on taxes.

  • /t plots - Displays a list of plots in the town.

  • /t toggle <toggle> - Toggles a variety of things in your town.

    • /t toggle explosion - Toggles on/off explosions.

    • /t toggle fire - Toggles on/off fire spread.

    • /t toggle mobs - Toggles on/off mob spawning.

    • /t toggle open - Toggles if players can freely join the town.

    • /t toggle public - Toggles if players can freely teleport to the town.

    • /t toggle taxpercent - Toggles if tax should be # or %.

  • /t rank <add, remove> <resident> <rank> - Grants/removes a rank from a citizen.

  • /t trust <add, remove> <name> - Gives someone full trust to your town.

  • /t forsale <#> - Sets your town for sale for an amount of money.

  • /t delete - Deletes your town. This can not be undone!

  • /governor taxtown <#> - Asks all online citizens to pay a tax of the set amount.

  • /governor townincometax <%> - Set a percentage tax on all earned money.


  • /q claim - Claim a quarter that is for sale.

  • /q colour <r> <g> <b> - Change the particle color outline of a quarter.

  • /q create - Turns a selection into a quarter.

  • /q defaultsellprice <#> - Sets the default sell price when a quarter is created.

  • /q delete - Deletes the quarter you are standing in.

  • /q evict - Evicts a resident of a quarter.

  • /q here - View information about the quarter you are in.

  • /q pos1 <x> <y> <z> - Sets position 1 for quarter selection.

  • /q pos2 <x> <y> <z> - Sets position 2 for quarter selection.

  • /q sell <#> - Puts a quarter up for sale.

  • /q toggle <constantoutlines, embassy> - Toggles stuff about a quarter.

  • /q trust <add, remove, clear> - Manage trusts for a quarter.

  • /q type <type> - Sets a quarter's type.

  • /q unclaim - Unclaims ownership of a quarter.

Vehicle Commands

  • /qav shop - Buy a vehicle from the shop.

  • /qav garage - Use a vehicle stored in your garage.

  • /qav callback - Callbacks any vehicles you own within ~6 block radius.

TrainCarts Commands

  • /train maxspeed <#> - Sets the maximum speed of your train in blocks/tick.

McMMo Commands

  • /mcstats - Display stats of your McMMo skills.

  • /<skill> - Displays stats of a specific McMMo skill.

  • /mctop- Displays McMMo leaderboards.

  • /party create <name> - Creates a McMMo party where you can share XP.

  • /party join <player> - Join a player's party.

  • /party quit - Leaves your current party.

  • /party chat - Toggles party chat.

  • /party invite <player> - Invites a player to your party.

  • /party accept - Accepts a party invite.

Supporter Commands

  • /ec - Opens a remote ender chest.

  • /condense - Converts ore/ingots to block form.

  • /compass - Gives you your facing.

  • /anvil - Opens a remote anvil.

  • /grindstone - Opens a remote grindstone.

  • /wb - Opens a remote crafting table.

  • /stonecutter - Opens a remote stonecutter.

  • /sethome <name> - Set up to 3 homes.

  • /home <name> - Teleport to one of your homes.

  • /hdb - Opens a GUI of a head database.

  • /imageframe create <name> <url> <w> <h> <combined> - Creates an image using a web url.

  • /itf toggle glow - Toggles the item frame you are looking at to glow.

  • /itf toggle visibility - Toggles the item frame you are looking at to be invisible.

  • /itf togglemode <glow,visibility> - Automatically makes frames glow/invisible.

Last updated