🗺️Union Territory

From sea to shining sea.

Darker blue represents states, lighter blue represents territiories. The green color represents unclaimed land where the federal government has no jurisdiction.


Project Freedom introduces a phased expansion of the United States to enhance realism. The President may extend the Union's territory through purchase or conquest.

This expansion results in the creation of unorganized territories, which include towns that are part of the nation but lack Congressional representation. For these territories to achieve statehood, they must progress through Congress once they fulfill the criteria of having at least 10 residents within the proposed state.

All states within the Union (A-Z)


As previously stated, the President of the United States has the ability to annex new territories into the country through purchase or conquest. This concept may seem unclear, so an explanation follows.

Land Purchases

The most straightforward method for the United States to expand its territory is through land purchase.

The President can propose a request to the government staff for the desired expansion. The staff then assesses the land's value based on its total area, resources, significance, among other factors.

Any land acquired must be contiguous with the current United States territory; for example, the nation cannot purchase land in California if it does not share a border with it.

Land Grants

Land grants are a staff-justified means of granting additional territory to the U.S. without the need for war or purchase.

This measure would only be taken in extreme circumstances, such as when the administration is unwilling to expand the nation and such expansion is necessary to maintain server activity.

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