🏙️Starting a Town

"Unlimited Power!" - Sheev Palpatine


By now, you have probably spent at least an hour on the server setting yourself up for success. You more than likely have a set of good tools and armor, some decent food, a steady money supply, and have a basic understanding of our systems.

It's time for you to move up in the ranks.

🛖 Creating A Settlement

To create a new town, you will be using the command /t new <name>, which will create a new town in the chunk (F3+G) you are standing in, for $200.

You will then be greeted with a lovely wall of text with information about your new town.

📌 The Town Board

Every town on Project Freedom has a town bank. You can see this balance by accessing your town's board, /t. This will display all the information about your town that you need to know, including your town's size, default permissions, residents, ranks, upkeep, and your bank's balance.

💰 Town Banks and Upkeep

Every town will have a default upkeep of $10.00 per day. This price is charged at the end of every "towny day," or just a default unit of time across the server. You can access the time till the next day using the command /towny time.

If you fail to pay this upkeep every day, your town will go bankrupt and will eventually be deleted. While you will have several days before your town is deleted, your abilities will be severely limited until you pay off your debts.

To make sure your town has money in the bank, use /t deposit # to deposit money. If you need to withdraw money, use /t withdraw #.

Having money in your bank also gives you the ability to claim land. At first, you start with one chunk, but you can claim more land using /t claim. There is a price per chunk, you can check this price using /towny prices. It is currently $3.

🌎 Claiming Land

As mentioned prior, you can claim new chunks that are not claimed by anyone else by standing in them and typing /t claim.

As you claim more land, you will notice that more land will be added to your town on the map (https://map.projectfreedommc.com/). You cannot keep claiming more land forever though, as your town has a limit, as displayed on your town's board.

To gain more "claim blocks," (increase your town size capacity), you will have to recruit new residents to your town.

👋 Gaining Residents

Your citizens are what constitute your town. You simply will not be able to make a good town purely by yourself, and you will need help at some point or another.

You can recruit residents by using /t add <name> to invite people to your town, posting your town on the Discord's forum page, getting your friends to join you, or even search for options outside the server.

You should ideally encourage your new residents to stay with your town and remain active. You can do this by helping them get started, promising them free gear or money, giving them their own plots to work on, or even letting them cooperate in building the town.

🎭 Town Management

If you are looking to give your citizens more responsibilities in your town, you can give them different ranks that may apply to their abilities.

You can grant a citizen a rank in your town by using the command /t rank add <name>. You have the options to grant them the rank of comayor, assistant, or a helper. Each rank has various amounts of access/permissions to your town.

The comayor rank will be able to do all the things in your town as you. They can manage your bank, claim land, add and kick residents, build anywhere, and much more.

The assistant rank is a much more manageable rank, only having the ability to add and kick residents, and build in unclaimed plots.

The helper rank is only able to add new citizens to your town. It could be a good starting point for you to test which citizens are good leaders.

If you need to grant someone outside of your town permissions to build in your town, you can use /t trust (name).

Be careful of who you trust -- giving someone comayor or trust in your town that you do not 100% trust could be a mistake!


Assuming you have expanded your territory, maybe added a few more residents, and have a basic management structure, it is time to begin planning for the future.

Creating a good town will require a lot of your time. If you need help, try recruiting potential comayors and assistants.

❗ Advertisement

In order to expand your operations exponentially, you will need to make sure that your town is as appealing as possible to new players.

You can do this a variety of ways, like making your town's local community as friendly as possible, creating cool-looking buildings, posting advertisements wherever you see fit, or making promises such as large amounts of land or free gear.

🎓 Engaging New Citizens

One key aspect to creating a good town is to foster your citizens and turn them into productive members of society. You can do this a variety of ways.

One of the easiest ways to engage new citizens is to grant them responsibilities, as mentioned earlier. However, you can also assign them tasks, create town boards so citizens can help out with gathering materials or resources, create centers for shopping and business, or even create your own local town government.

🌐 Discord Engagement

As your town grows further, you will notice it will become increasingly harder to manage your town, as it's very likely that people will be available at different times than you.

For this, we recommend using Discord for your town. You have the option of either utilizing your state's already created discord server as a platform for your town, or you can start a whole new discord server if you'd like.

From here, you can manage your town's projects and decisions without needing to even log in.

Last updated