📜The Constitution

Here's where you can really get into the specifics.

This is our Nation's Constitution. It is what dictates the entire government. Amendments to it may be passed by Congress.


We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Article I - The Legislative Branch

Section I - Creation of the Congress

All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.

Section II - Elections of the House

The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members elected on the first Saturday of every month by the People of the several States. Representatives will begin their term on the following Saturday of their election, and, no person who is not an inhabitant of that State shall be a Representative. Furthermore, a representative shall have 4 hours of playtime.

When vacancies happen in the Representation from any State, an election will be held in that State according to the State's Constitution. The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other officers and will have the sole Power of Impeachment.

Each state shall be granted 1 Representative upon admittance to the Union, and the number of additional Representatives per state will be according to 1 Representative for every 15 Citizens of a State.

Section III - Elections of the Senate

The Senate of the United States shall be composed of 1 Senator from each State, elected by the Citizens of that State, on the first Saturday of every month. Each Senator will be granted 1 vote in the Senate.

After being elected to the Congress by the people of their State, they shall assume office on the next Saturday following their election. If vacancies happen by resignation, or otherwise, the Executive authority of the State may issue an appointment. Senators should have 24 hours of playtime.

Immediately after they are elected in the consequence of the first election, the senate will be divided into thirds. The seats of the senate may be re-elected, the 1st third after 1 month, the 2nd third after 2 months, and the last third after 3 months.

The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no vote, unless they are equally divided. The Senate shall choose their other officers.

The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the attendance of two thirds of the Members present.

No official of Congress or the United States Government may hold another position in office.

Section IV - Congressional Meetings

The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be set by the staff of Project Freedom.

The Congress of the United States shall assemble at least twice every month. Staff may choose a day to meet.

Section V - Powers of Congress

Congress will be given the power to lay and collect taxes, pay debts, provide for general welfare and defense, and imposts and excises. Congress will be able to: Borrow money, regulate commerce amongst the states, to coin Money and regulate the value thereof, to punish Piracies, to dictate the regulation of land and naval forces, to call forth a militia, to dictate state lines, and to propose amendments to the Constitution.

Congress will be given the authority to propose laws related to the Rules of the Server, including, but not limited to: Regulation of Property & Building, Wilderness, Commerce & Businesses, PvP.

Section VI - Passing Legislature

Congress may be able to pass a bill proposed in the House of Representatives with a simple majority and pass it on the Senate. If the senate passes the bill with a simple majority, the bill will be presented to the President for signature. Upon presidential veto, the bill will be presented back to Congress. If the house and senate votes a 2/3rd majority, the bill will be signed into law.

Article II - The Executive Branch

Section I - Elections of the President

The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his office during the term of two months, together with the Vice President, chosen for the same term.

The president may be voted on the Saturday prior to the expiration of the current term, and brought into office the Saturday of the expiration. Upon the unlikely resignation or otherwise of the President, the executive seat will fall to the Vice President, and will descend upon the hierarchy of office if conditions arrive, until the next President is elected.

The president must have the following requirements before being enacted into office: 50 hours of minimum playtime on the server, generally regarded as active, and must be elected by popular vote of the people. The vice president will follow similarly, with 20 hours of minimum playtime on the server, and generally regarded as active.

Section II - Presidential Authority

The president will be given the authority to grant pardons to the citizens, except in the case of impeachment, the authority to choose members of the Cabinet, veto with reasoning or pass legislation passed by Congress, call for meetings of the Cabinet, issue Executive Orders for the good of the nation, dissolve Congress in the face of national emergency presented by Congress, create and budget different Departments of the Nation, and to choose and remove cabinet members of the Government.

The president may also present State of the Union addresses to Congress, and recommend considerations to Congress. On special occasions, the President is given the authority to petition staff of the server to convene Congress.

Section III - Presidential Responsibilities

Upon inauguration of the President of the United States, the President must take an Oath: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors, including breaking rules of the server.

Article III - The Judicial Branch

Section I - The Supreme Court

The Supreme Court of the United States of America shall be deemed as the highest level of Court in the Nation, and will comprise of 3 Supreme Court Judges. In order for a ruling to be made in favor, 2 of these judges must vote yes. At any time, the president is given the authority to petition to Congress the introduction of new Justices.

Supreme Court Justices, once chosen, serve their term for 4 months, or until they resign. Upon a resignation, or expiration of term, the sitting President is given the authority to appoint new Justices.

The Justices of the Supreme court will at first be chosen by Staff. Supreme Court Justices, with the exception of the beginning of the server, must have above 150 hours of playtime before being allowed to be chosen by the President.

Section II - Supreme Court Authority

The supreme court is given the ability to determine the Constitutionality of laws and acts passed by Congress and the President, resolving disputes between Government institutions, and to resolve cases that involve Federal Law.

Article IV - State Governance

Section I - Creation of New States

Territories and States may be created and admitted to the United States of America, through Congress proposing and passing a bill to expand the nation.

New territories may be proposed by Congress. States may be allowed for congressional proceeding once the admitted territories have reached a hallmark of 10 people across the territory.

Section II - Governor Responsibilities

A Territory may be assigned a governor by the current sitting President of the United States, and a State will be given a governor elected by the people thereof, on the first Saturday of every other month.

Governors are given the ability to appoint senators and representatives of their state in the case of the absence of either, and may manage state judges, state national guards, the budgets of towns inside the state, and the creation of state departments.

Section III - State Constitutions

Each state is entitled to their own constitution, provided they have a system that created a form of Legislature, and a Governor. The legislature must have the ability to propose and pass state laws, provided they do not interfere with Federal Law, and the Governor may be given the authority to veto or accept the bill proposed by the legislature.

Article V - Bill of Rights

In accordance to this Constitution, this Document guarantees the rights of each Citizen of the United States the following:

I. The right to run for office, assuming the citizen has not been charged with a federal crime.

II. The right to vote in all elections.

III. The right to speak politically with freedom.

IV. To appeal a charge made against them by the Federal or State government.

V. Freedom of press, and peaceful public assembly.

VI. The right to bear weaponry.

VII. To not be tried again for a crime they have been found innocent of.

VIII. To have control and own their business and property without town or state intervention.

IX. The right to petition for change.

Article VI - Staff Involvement

The staff of Project Freedom possess the authority to make executive decisions and implement changes that align with the server's objectives.

They are empowered to act against individuals who attempt to exploit the government to the detriment of the server. Collective staff decisions can override and overturn governmental legislature without requiring approval from the president, congress, or supreme court.

Staff members may offer recommendations at any time and, if warranted, have the authority to remove an individual from office for rule violations or actions that are self-serving and detrimental to the server.

Staff have the discretion to modify the constitution as necessary without the need for further amendments.

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