
A skill-levelling system


McMMo's main function is to incorporate an RPG-like skill system that players will have access to right from the beginning.

Depending on how much a certain tool is used or a certain action is performed, players will gain experience that will eventually add bonuses such as double drops, rare drops, or ability enhancement.



Mining is a skill focused on mining stone and ore.

A notable perk of this skill is the higher potential yield from each ore, increased even further when using an active skill. Mining also adds new functionality to TNT, by allowing remote detonation. Mining is a parent skill of Smelting.


Woodcutting is a skill that is based around chopping trees down with an axe.

Levelling the skill gives you increased chances of extra wood dropping from trees, as well as extra duration on the tree feller ability.


Herbalism is a skill in McMMO that governs the ability to harvest plants and crops excluding trees and other more structural occurences of plants. It requires multiple tools to make the full use of its abilities.


Excavation is the ability in McMMO related to using a shovel to dig anything on the soil chart, including exotic materials like Soul Sand. High-level Excavators can produce diamonds from dirt easily.


Fishing increases the chance of finding catches, and can pull up useful loot. It also has the Shake ability, which pulls drops from mobs without having to kill them.


Repair is the parent skill of both current child skills, Smelting and Salvage, paired with Mining and Fishing, respectively. It can be used to repair tools and armor on Blocks of Iron. You can repair items in Minecraft by Using the McMMO anvil (an iron block) and right-clicking it with the item you would like to repair in your hand. The higher the level, the more durability is restored. Every time you repair an item with the McMMO anvil, it consumes a singular amount of the material the item was made of (For example an iron chestplate would cost one iron ingot per click).

Repair does not require all of the materials an item was made of, only the primary (e.g. repairing an iron pickaxe only requires an iron ingot, but no sticks).


Acrobatics is a skill that allows Graceful Roll, as well as combat damage negation with the passive skill "Dodge".


Alchemy is a miscellaneous skill based on brewing potions. It is leveled through the creation and modification of potions in a brewing stand. Additionally, some effects that are normally unobtainable through vanilla potions are given custom recipes.


Salvage is the ability to reclaim the base materials from tools and armor. It is a child skill of Repair and Fishing, and it is calculated by averaging the two levels together.

The ability to salvage is unlocked after Repair level 25. At lower levels, only undamaged items can be salvaged. Advanced Salvage, unlocked at level 350 by default, allows damaged items to be salvaged.

To salvage, right click a gold block while holding a salvageable item. Raw materials will pop out of the salvage anvil.


Smelting is a child skill of Mining and Repair. The effective Smelting level is the average of the parent skill levels.



Super Breaker

unlocked by reaching level 50.

Speed + Triple drop chance

Super Breaker (activated by right-clicking with a pickaxe in hand), will temporarily add 5 Efficiency levels to the held pickaxe, triple the double drop rate, and replace normal-rate double drops with triple drops. In other words, Super Breaker stacks with fortune 3 enchantments.

The duration of the skill starts at 2 seconds, and increases by 1 second every 50 levels. There is no maximum duration. Like all skills, its default cooldown time is 240 seconds. The effects and duration of this Super Move can be altered in the server config, along with other information on this page. Unequipping the pickaxe will cause the remaining time with the ability to be wasted and cooldown time to start sooner.

Double Drops

Double the normal loot

Double drops is a passive skill that allows the player to gain two items instead of the usual one when mining any naturally generated block found in the experience table below. The odds of this happening increase by 0.1% per level to a maximum of 100% at level 1000. It does stack with the Fortune enchantment and does work with Silk Touch.

Blast Mining

Bonuses to mining with TNT Locked until level 125 mining

Instead of using a pickaxe to break blocks, Blast Mining utilizes TNT to destroy and mine blocks. It is activated by using a flint & steel outside of the standard ignition range (shift and right-click the air between yourself and the TNT). Unlike ignition in vanilla, the TNT explodes instantly.

With Blast Mining, the range at which the TNT ignites is extended. Higher Mining levels will yield more ores and less debris. By default, TNT drops 30% of what is blown up, and is increased further with each level.

Bigger Bombs

Increases TNT explosion radius Locked until level 375 mining

The Bigger Bombs ability increases the explosive range of TNT ignited with Blast Mining. At level 375, it adds 2 to the radius of the explosion. At level 625, this bonus is increased to 3. And at level 875, the radius gains its maximum bonus of 4. Without this ability, TNT has a radius of 6.9.

Demolitions Expertise

Decreases damage from TNT explosions

Locked until level 500 mining

Demolitions expertise is a passive ability that reduces the damage done by TNT with Blast Mining by 25%. At level 750, the damage is decreased by 50%. At level 1000, damage reduction is 100%.

Note that TNT ignited through standard means still causes harm, and only when ignited through Blast Mining is the damage negated.


Tree Feller

Locked until level 5 woodcutting

Make trees explode

Tree Feller is an active skill that allows you to chop down entire trees by only breaking one block. To use Tree Feller, right-click while holding an axe to ready your tool. With the tool ready, chop a block of wood or giant mushroom to activate the skill. Tree Feller only breaks blocks at the same height and higher than the block that is chopped, so cutting the middle of a tree will leave a stump. At level 0, tree feller is unavailable, it unlocks at level 5, and it increases by 1 second every 5 levels. This gives it a max duration of 22 seconds at level 100. The ability has a cooldown between uses that lasts 240 seconds (4 minutes). Tree feller does not break trees larger than 500 blocks by default and at lower levels, it breaks much less.

When using Tree Feller, the durability of one's axe will be decreased by as much as if each log/huge mushroom block had been broken individually. If one's axe should break while Tree Feller is active, the user will suffer eight damage and a message will appear reading, "Your axe splinters into dozens of pieces!". The surrounding logs/huge mushroom blocks will remain intact, apart from the one on which the axe was broken.

Leaf Blower

Blow away leaves Locked until level 15 woodcutting

Leaf Blower is an ability that will cause leaf blocks to break instantly when hit with an axe. When destroyed using Leaf Blower, a leaf block has a 10% chance of dropping its respective sapling. The leaves do durability damage to the axe and make a popping sound when broken.

Harvest Lumber

Harvest Lumber is a passive skill that allows you to gain two items instead of one when chopping any log or giant mushroom block that was either generated by the world or grown. The chance to get double drops increases by 0.1% per level to a maximum of 100% at level 1000.

Knock on Wood

This ability gives you goodies (saplings, xp orbs, apples, etc) when using Tree Feller. Tree Feller no longer gives non-wood items by default, it now requires Knock on Wood for additional loot.


Green Terra

Right-clicking empty farmland and breaking a plant or crop after Herbalism Level 50 activates the super move Green Terra. It increases in duration at certain levels. It has a cooldown of 240 seconds.

  • High chance to triple all drops from harvested plants or crops, including seeds.

  • For farming, a potential to replant numerous seeds for free during the skill duration, saving time and seeds.

  • Consumes 1 wheat Seed to convert one of the following blocks:

    • Cobblestone into Mossy Cobblestone

    • Stone Brick into Mossy Stone Brick

    • Dirt into Grass

Also, similarly to all other super moves in McMMO, if the hoe in use is unequipped, the skill will immediately stop and undergo the full cooldown.

Green Thumb (Wheat/Carrots/Potatoes/Nether Wart/Beetroot)

Green Thumb has the ability to more rapidly progress the growth of all single-block crops. The skill curve roughly follows the equation based on this table:level*(13.3%/200%)=chancewhere level is your herbalism level and chance is the odds for instant growth to that stage.

Shroom Thumb

Using a mushroom on a block of dirt while both a red and brown mushroom are in the inventory triggers "Shroom Thumb". It consumes a red and brown mushroom, and has a chance to turn the block of dirt into a block of mycelium. The chances of success increases with Herbalism level.

Farmer's Diet

This passive skill increases the amount of hunger that grown food will restore as the player's Herbalism level increases. One hunger is half of a piece of meat on the hunger bar.

Note: Farmer's Diet is similar to the healing effect herbalism gave before beta 1.8.

Hylian Luck

Hylian Luck gives a small chance to obtain special items when certain blocks are broken with a sword. Currently, the blocks that are affected by this are:

  • Grass (Melon seeds, pumpkin seeds, cocoa beans)

  • Saplings (Melon seeds, pumpkin seeds, cocoa beans)

  • Dead Bushes (Melon seeds, pumpkin seeds, cocoa beans)

  • Flowers (Potatoes, carrots, apples)

The chance for a drop goes up by 0.01% every level. However, the stats menu only displays whole percentage points. At Level 1000, the chances are 10%.

The drops can be edited in the config files.

Double Drops (All Corresponding Blocks)

This skill doubles the drops obtained from crops and plants. The chance is increased by 0.1% each Level, mathematically guaranteeing double drops at level 1000. In the stats menu, however, the increased percentage will only be visible every 10 levels due to flooring.


Giga Drill Breaker

Giga Drill Breaker is an ability with a cooldown tied to Excavation skill. While active, the ability triples your chance of finding treasures as well as experienced gained and enables instant break on Excavation materials.


The higher your Excavation skill is, the more treasures that can be found. In addition, each type of Excavation compatible material has its own unique list of treasures meaning you will find different treasures in Dirt than you would in Gravel.


Treasure Hunting

Treasure Hunting is an ability increases the chance to give useful items when fishing.

Note: Server admins can tweak the plugin configuration to add or remove certain objects to specific tiers and levels. Admins can also increase the level cap that you can get more ranks for different levels

Magic Hunter

Magic Hunter is an ability that allows armor and tools obtained from Treasure Hunter to be enchanted, the chances of which are shown in the table below.

Some servers disable this skill, as the rare items can be farmed.

Magic Hunter is able to catch tools and armor with enchantment combinations that are unavailable by normal means, such as Silk Touch and Fortune together or Smite and Bane of Arthropods together.

Master Angler

As of the 1.7 update, Master Angler is unlocked at level 125 (by default) and can grant 2 different multipliers for your bite chance. By default, the bite chance is 0.2% per tick. This chance can be increased by either being in a river or ocean biome, being in a boat, or fishing during rain. All of these methods stack.

There are 20 ticks per second, but due to lag, ticks don't happen uniformly, and on laggier servers, one may have a harder time catching fish.


Shake is an ability that can pull drops and held items from mobs by hooking them with a fishing rod. It can be used repeatedly for a large number of items depending on the remaining health of the mob. However, this reduces the durability of the fishing rod drastically. The fishing rod, when used in this method, will always deal damage equivalent to 25% of the maximum health of the mob. Keep this in mind when fighting tougher creatures such as Iron Golems, as a single shake will deal a considerable amount of damage. If fighting tiny magma cubes it will kill the mob.

Note: Spamming your fishing rod can cause a kraken to spawn. You will lose your fishing rod forever.

Fisherman's Diet

This passive skill increases the amount of hunger that fished food will restore as the player's Fishing level increases. One hunger is half of a piece of meat on the hunger bar.


Arcane Forging 1-8

Arcane Forging is used to keep enchantments on items after repairing them, It starts at level 1 of the [Repair] skill. At a 10% success chance, this is the level at which Arcane Forging starts.

Each level afterwards adds a small % increase. such as at level 125 you gain a 10%, level 250 a 20%, at level 750 you get a 50%.cap

Along with this, there is a chance for a downgrade on the enchantment. For example, a Power II Bow could potentially become a Power I Bow.To turn off downgrades simply change [true] to a [false]. <--- ?

Base Durability Restored



Rolling is a passive skill which allows the player to reduce fall damage. Every level, the chance for a successful roll increases by 0.1%, with a maximum chance of 100% at level 1000. As rolling is a passive skill, it will be activated simply by taking fall damage.

When activated, it can negate up to 7 damage points, or 3.5 hearts. Graceful Roll is an active skill; it is activated by sneaking (Shift key by default) while falling. It is only effective if the sneaking is started 20 blocks or fewer before impact. It can negate up to 14 damage points, or 7 hearts.


Dodging is a passive skill that halves combat damage taken; this includes Creeper explosions, Skeleton arrows, etc. Its max chance is 20%, at level 800; each level its chance increased by 0.025%.



Brewing ingredients into potions takes less time the higher your Alchemy skill, beyond level 100.


At certain Alchemy levels, new recipes are unlocked for potions, as follows:

Important things to note about these custom recipes:

  • In older versions, attempting to brew gunpowder or Dragon's Breath into the custom potions will result in an Uncraftable Splash or Lingering potion, respectively. This potion has no effect. However, using gunpowder or Dragon's Breath on an Awkward Potion and then adding the custom ingredient last will result in a Splash or Lingering potion of the proper effect, respectively. This has been corrected in newer versions. Does not work on 1.12.2 servers.

  • Ingredients that have been named in an anvil CANNOT be used in the custom recipes, and will not receive the Catalysis brewing speed boost. (i.e. a Slimeball named "Fred" CANNOT make a dullness potion, and a Fermented Spider Eye named "RIP George" will brew at regular speed regardless of the brewer's Alchemy skill.)

  • All Custom Potions require awkward potion to brew. Currently the animation of brewing does not display, but if you wait the potions will brew


Arcane Salvage

Unlocks at Salvage level: 125 (default)

This ability allows enchanted books to also appear when salvaging enchanted items. The chance of successfully extracting a full or partial enchantment increases per level.

When an enchantment is partially extracted, the enchantments on the book will have a lower level compared to what it was on the item. For example, salvaging a Protection IV iron chestplate may produce a Protection III book.

Advanced Salvage

Unlocks at Salvage level 350 (default)

When unlocked, this ability allows damaged items to be salvaged. The yield percentage increases with level. At least 1 of the component material is guaranteed to be salvaged, unless the item is too damaged to salvage. However, fewer materials will be obtained from a damaged item as compared to an undamaged item.

Example: A gold pickaxe which has been damaged for 20% of its durability (80% left) can return 2 gold ingots. Each of the 3 ingots used to make it is worth 33.33% of its durability, so 2 ingots equals 66.6%. If the player's yield percentage is below 66.6%, only 1 ingot will be obtained. If it is above this value, then the full salvageable amount is given.


Fuel Efficiency (Passive)

Fuel Efficiency is a passive ability of Smelting that makes the burn time of fuel in a furnace extend. Each level increases the efficiency multiplier by about 0.04. For example, Fuel Efficiency reaches 4x at level 1000.

Second Smelt (Passive)

This ability will grant a second piece of whatever ore you're smelting, whether it be iron ore to iron, and even gold ore to gold. The chance of the player doing a second smelt increases 0.05% per Smelting level. At level 1000, you have a 50% chance of getting a second smelt.

Vanilla XP Boost (Passive)

The Vanilla XP Boost ability is a passive, like all Smelting abilities are, that grants more experience from a furnace when you smelt materials or ores such as iron ore, oak logs, and sand. The more levels you increase in the smelting skill, the more experience you will gain when you smelt something in a furnace. Like all abilities, Vanilla XP Boost caps at 1000 levels.

Flux Mining (Passive)

Smelting a full durability pickaxe in a furnace gives a Flux Pickaxe of that type. For example smelting a diamond pickaxe you would get a diamond pickaxe called 'Flux Pickaxe'. If you are at mining level 250+ you have an approx. 33% chance of instantly smelting ore you break. This action is followed with particle effects.

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